The Talos is located in B89/90.
The Talos F200X G2 is a 200 kV FEG Scanning Transmission Electron Microscope (S/TEM), which is designed for fast, precise and quantitative characterization of nano-materials.
Features include:
- Schottky X-FEG electron source operated at accelerating voltages of 60, 80, 120 or 200 kV
- Ceta 16M camera with speed enhancement designed for imaging and diffraction applications. It allows 4k x 4k images to be acquired at 40 frames per second (and 512 x 512 pixels at 320 fps).
- HAADF, DF2, DF4 and BF STEM detectors.
- TEM point resolution/information limit: 0.25 nm/ 0.12 nm, STEM resolution: 0.16 nm.
- Selected area electron diffraction and microprobe STEM diffraction mapping.
- Super-X EDS detector system with superior sensitivity and ultimate performance in EDS spectroscopy and fast EDS mapping. Four Silicon Drift Detector's (SDD) are perfectly integrated in the X-TWIN objective lens and offer maximum collection efficiency with a solid angle of 0.9 srad. The high sensitivity and the absence of a detector window allow the detection of all elements down to and including boron.
- EELS can be performed using Gatan's Enfinium ER (977) spectrometer which includes UltraFast DualEELS spectrum imaging (allows simultaneous acquisition of low- and core-loss spectra) and simultaneous EDS and EELS through Velox. EELS acquisition can be performed at 80, 120 or 200 kV.
- S/TEM tomography including option of EDS tomography acquisition
- Maps 3 can acquire multiple S/TEM images from a sample automatically by shifting the CompuStage, changing magnification and subsequently aligning and stitching all the images to create one image with high-resolution details.
- CrystalPack enables users to do compucentric β tilting, rapid toggling between diffraction conditions and can automatically tilt to the relevant zone axes.
Available specimen holders include:
- Single-tilt (+/- 35 degrees)
- High visibility low-background beryllium double tilt optimised for EDS
- Fischione Model 2021 - Analytical tomography single tilt (+/- 80 degrees)
- Fischione Model 2045 - Motorized dual axis tomography
- Gatan Elsa - Cryo transfer tomography
See specimen preparation facilities page for details on plasma cleaner, glow discharge system and cryo-plunge instrument.
TEM grids: continuous, holey and lacey films on 300 mesh Cu are available.
TEM time can be booked through the booking system . Please note the system is read only, so please contact Dr Heather Greer ( to arrange access and training.
Usage charge is £60 per hour for independent use, £70/h for assisted/training and £80/h for service usage. Bookings cancelled with less than 24h notice will be charged at 50% and less than 2h of notice will be charged the full rate.
The Talos was funded through the EPSRC Underpinning Multi-User Equipment Call (EP/P030467/1) so please acknowledge this grant in publications.